My Collections- Wonderful New Books by Doris Lessing!

Doris Lessing has been one of my favourite authors since I was 17. I read 'The Four Gated City' , a chance thrifted find, and voraciously absorbed it over the course of a long weekend. For the last few years I've been reading or rereading her books from the library- having given away 99% of my collection when I moved 3500 miles (and then back again). But I've start collecting again! Before my favourite books get too old and good copies are hard to find. Pictured above are 21 of the 23 books I've bought in the last few months.

Most are first edition hardcovers in fine condition and they are a great delight to me. The vintage ones from 1960's to 1970's are my favorites! I will always love 70's 60's graphics and the extra pages and the thoughtful attention to detail in older books. I've been using a lovely site to choose favourite printings and verify first editions

In 2007 Doris Lessing Won the Nobel Prize for Literature. I think that I was happier then she was (she had a rather calm response to the news), but I suppose that at the age of 89 one is less moved by such things?

Also seen on the left side is a (yet to be framed) print of 'Make it Rain' by Betsy Walton, an artist whose work completely enchants me.


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